Tuesday 31 January 2012

Handmade Cake Slices

Got a sweet tooth?

I have been teasing and tantalising mine by making delicious realistic cake slices for my new jewellery range.

Ranging from cherry pie slices to strawberry layer cake. I am loving every one I make (even if it does make my tummy rumble). I will be making a tutorial video to make the cakes once more clay comes in the post!

 Here are some pics of my new charms:

Yummy Banoffee Cheesecake!
Strawberry Cake Slice!
Cherry Lattice Pie!
Lemon Cheesecake Slice!
Mixed Fruit Lattice Pie!

Raspberry and Vanilla Cheesecake!

Carrot Cake!

Chocolate Cake Slice!

Cappuccino Chocolate Cake!

Cherry Chocolate Cake!
Finally all of the new slices together as one mixed cake!
 Follow my blog for the next chapter in the Cake Chapter! Including videos on how to make cakes, donuts etc...
These are available to buy from my Face book page- Tidal Dream Creations

Until next time... Stay Crafty World Wide Web!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Handmade Jewellery Boxes

Are you a crafter? Do you spend a fortune on jewellery gift boxes?

I don't know about you guys, but I sure do. But not anymore! Thanks to a nice video I found from a lovely lady on Etsy, I have learned, and will also show you how to, make a pretty jewellery gift box.

I will now give you the steps to make the lid.

Follow the instruction on the video above.
Before you cut the paper, fold all 4 corners into the first fold ABOVE the middle fold. Then make your slits and fold as shown in the video.

Remember to make your lid square a tiny bit bigger then your box square.

There you have it!

How to make your jewellery box from scrap paper!

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you like it did me!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

New Valentines Rose Earrings

Is Valentines Day your favourite holiday?

If your single, don't fret. It just gives you an excuse to spoil yourself with your best friends Ben & Jerry!

As for all you loved up couples out there, (listen up Men!) I have designed some truly Artistic and very very special earrings!

Yup, their here, their the Brand Spanking new Miniature Tin Rose Earrings!

Obviously I am not going to disclose my secrets on how I made these beautiful earrings with so much time before now and Valentines Day! But don't despair! I will be adding a video to my Blog of how to make them! And just to be a pain, I will show you perhaps the day before Valentines Day, for all you Men who forgot to get something, I can assure you that your Women will think you came up with this weeks ago! (Unless they have read my Blog)

And Women.... Come on! We have to give our Men a chance, at least it wouldn't be a scatty bunch of flowers from your local Spar!

I am going to apologise for not doing my 'Money Saving Tips for Around the House' but I promise I will get round to this one, I was just being a bit over excitable and wanted to share my lovely new earrings!

Thanks for reading and until next time, Byyyeee! =D

Thursday 12 January 2012

My Introduction

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen! (&  Pixies)

I am Bea Roberts and this is just the beginning of the start of my blog. I am a 22 year old energetic entrepreneur with a small Eco friendly Jewellery business, Tidal Dream Creations.

I am interested in all things Eco & Green. I love finding ways in which to save the environment which lucky for me and now you, seems to save money too. (Who'd of known loving Mother Earth would be rewarding ;-D ) 

No, I am not this Eco warrior I would love to be, but as you can tell I love the Internet and with it, my laptop, (Not all that environmentally friendly if you ask me) but I believe if we all did some little 'Green' things it would help us in more ways than one. Our conscience would feel a little lighter and the Earth could breathe a little easier.

I will be bringing you everything from Saving Money (and energy) Tips at home, to unique Jewellery Designs,  and how to recycled random objects that will do better around the house than in your bin.

I do not plan on ranting about how you should recycle, how you should wash your clothes at 30C etc etc etc because I don't ALWAYS do all those things and I, my friends, am not a hypocrite. 

I create upcycled and funky jewellery out of anything I can find, from old vinyl, paper, threads, pencils etc.... I have lots of pieces I plan on sharing with you all but I have to save something for my next blog. Here is a sneak preview of designs to come with instructions on how to make them too =D

BTW I love a good debate so if you disagree with anything I say, feel free to comment and we can perhaps debate upon ourselves.

Thank you for reading my first blog and feel free to share and comment on any tips I share with you. 

Next Time: My Top Money Savers and More!